Get Relief Now and Start Your Burnout Recovery $̶4̶9̶5̶... for only $7!

Reclaim Your Energy and Peace of Mind - Fast, Effective Burnout Relief for High Achievers

Feeling overwhelmed and exhausted? You're not alone. Join others who have found relief with our proven program. 

Are you constantly feeling drained, struggling to focus, or losing motivation for work and life?  

Our tailored approach is designed to help you recover your vitality and passion: 

  • Immediate relief techniques
  • Tailored recovery plan
  • Simple, step-by-step process
  • Support from a community of professionals

Get started with the exact protocol I use in my clinical practice to target the specific triggers and patterns causing you to burn out.

What people have to say


"After just one week, I felt more energized and focused than I have in years. The personalized plan was exactly what I needed to get back on track."

Emily P.

"After struggling with burnout for months, I found this program. It completely transformed my life. The techniques are easy to follow, and the support is incredible."

Sarah T.
Marketing Manager

"This program offers practical and effective strategies to manage stress and prevent burnout. The resources are top-notch, and I've seen a significant improvement in my work-life balance."

James R.
Software Developer

"The burnout relief program provided me with the tools to identify and manage stressors in my life. The progress I've made is undeniable. I feel more in control and much happier."

Michael B.
Project Manager

"The support and guidance I received from this website were invaluable. The strategies are practical, and I’ve seen a significant reduction in my stress levels. Highly recommend it to anyone feeling overwhelmed."

Laura M.
Health Care Professional

Meet the Program Creator

The Burnout Interventionist

I started off my early career as an Engineer rising in the corporate ranks of a telecom startup. I built internal organizations and systems to support over a million subscribers.

After its successful exit, I eventually burned out and hit a crisis in identity. I decided to take my engineering mind to work and figure out what it takes for humans to flourish.

Among many practices, I landed in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and became Board certified as a Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP since then.

Now, I made it my mission to end the burnout epidemic and empower the way we work and live, running a wellbeing and performance clinic focused on burnout recovery and managing chronic workplace stress.

Here are 3 More Reasons to Get Burnout Relief

Burnout eats willpower for breakfast

Get self-regulated first, and fast, so you have the bandwidth to recover. 

Recover not prevention, grit and tolerance

Stop with the self-care and coping with burnout, end the suffering loop once and for all.

Reprogram your neurology, stop talking about your problems

Address the root causes so you can live a fulfilled and productive life without the constant stress.

This is How it Works

Step 1

Listen to the Guided Relaxation Audio

Step 2

Complete the Energy Audit Protocol

Step 3

Book a complimentary Burnout Recovery Strategy Session

Step 4

Implement Personalized Recovery Action Plan

Here's Everything You Get

Complete Energy Audit Protocol
Like getting weeks of therapy in a day

Finally put an end to talking about your problems and focus your energy on reclaiming your mental and emotional energy.  End the cycle of coping, so you can laser-target interventions to stop the beliefs, emotions, and conflicts that drive chronic stress behind your burnout.

  • Identify your burnout habits, patterns, thoughts, and emotions that drive you to exhaustion and keep you on edge
  • Gain clarity on your energy drainers that keep you stuck with chronic stress
  • Apply the 4Ds Framework to Energy Recovery and stress management to prioritize and free mental and emotional resources to optimally self-regulate
  • Set healthy boundaries on the people, environment and circumstances that drain you most
  • Gain balance in your work and life to move in harmony with your unique blueprint for meaning, fulfillment and purpose

Plus a Bonus Package Worth Over


Bonus #1
Rapid Burnout Relief in 30 minutes 

Instant Burnout Relief!

Get deep relaxation and regulated in less than 30 minutes as simple as plugging in your headphones. Come out balanced and energized to solve your problems with ease and clarity.

  • Maximize relaxation with a 30-minute guided visualization with binaural beats audio
  • Fast-acting and convenient stress relief without medication and side effects
  • Turn off any mental chatter for deep sleep and start the day refreshed
  • Reduce burnout stress from chronically conditioned emotional triggers
  • Get into peak performance states between meetings and switching between work and life 
Bonus #2
Burnout Foundations & Recovery Workshop

The Formula for Change and Results

Learn why we're successful and how we achieve results, including how we succeed at burning ourselves out - and how to effectively create lasting change in our lives

  • Learn why you experience mental and emotional drain and what exactly is burnout so you can effectively recover
  • Apply the most effective tools for high performance with the 4Rs to Burnout Responsiveness
  • Stop the suffering of the burnout cycle by learning how to identify your point of no return so you can 
  • Re-program ourselves for success and fulfillment with the Four Requisites of Change framework
  • Quickly heal emotional wounds with Mental Emotional Release®️
Bonus #3
VK Dissociation NLP Technique

Regain Your Control of Your Emotions

Learn this powerful NLP technique to significantly reduce and eliminate the anxiety with specific work activities and unexpected in the moment problems

  • Gain instant reponsiveness to high stress situations and stop reactive and impulsive behaviors
  • Install new behaviors at the unconscious level without the need for willpower or be consciously aware
  • By-pass compulsive thoughts and behaviors that get you locked into unwanted self-sabotoge and confusion

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

Why get burnout relief?

This is the protocol I use with all my paid consultations and introductory work to help people begin their recovery process.

My expertise is in burnout crisis management, and I want to equip you before you fall into a crisis to have a chance to end your burnout misery and actually begin the recovery process, not just cope with burnout.

How do I make time to recover?

First, it’s important to set recovery as a priority for you.

The issue isn’t making time for recovery, it’s when you stop something you’re doing to make room, existing unfinished needs want to take its place.

This can be a cause of inner conflict that’s ridden with guilt. The energy audit protocol is the first step so you can get specific with the habits and behaviors to change to reclaim your energy, recovery is a natural side-effect with no underlying mental and emotional baggage.

Why is it so difficult to recover by myself?

When it comes to burnout, the biggest hurdle for recovery and any change work is dealing with chronic stress.

Our unconscious thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and even environment make us stressed and unable to self-regulate.

Unlike other types of change work, willpower is in very short supply when you’re burning out. It's prone to self-sabotage that destroys the momentum to recover effectively.

How long does it take to recover from burnout?

With slow incremental changes in unhealthy habits and adopting a new lifestyle centered on wellbeing, it can take up to 3 years without professional mental health support, depending on the lifestyle changes required.

With our recovery program, we can remove a majority of your presenting symptoms in 2 days and you’ll begin to realize positive life changes in about 3 weeks.

Followed with our integration coaching, you’ll experience a lifestyle shift in alignment with goals that fulfill you within 3 months.

Is this considered therapy?

Like any therapy, there are therapeutic outcomes, but the process is different from traditional therapy. 

The focus of my process with NLP and MER®️ is on HOW you create the problem in your head and the structure and strategy behind the problem. 

It’s then followed with specific visualization techniques to let go of negative emotions and limiting beliefs. There are powerful techniques that allow clients to make long-lasting changes in a very rapid way. 

What’s the difference between self-care and recovery?

Self-care and building resilience are considered maintenance and burnout prevention.  It implies, you’re healthy and not burning out, and applying tools and techniques to maintain your overall well being to avoid burnout. 

Applying forms of self-care can give you a sense of relief, but doesn’t fix the underlying problem.

Recovery implies you’re experiencing burnout.

It would be considered an injury and being emotionally de-regulated.  Recovery is the process of getting back to being regulated and addressing the underlying issues that are causing stress, which utilizes different tools and skill sets. 

In other words, prevention is a lifelong practice. Recovery is a process with clear therapeutic outcomes and an end date.

Begin Your Recovery to a Life of Meaningful Impact and Fulfillment

Overcome Burnout Today.

As we all know and have previously read in fine print, unique experiences and past performances do not guarantee future results. All referenced testimonials are not intended to be representative of typical results, nor are they a guarantee or promise of any results. Rather, individual successes vary and are due to myriad factors such as effort, knowledge, techniques, timing, and experience. 

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Ask Yourself, Are You Ready to Recover?

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